

MoodJam is an online diary that allows people to express their moods using colors.

I worked on MoodJam in late 2006. Earlier that year, a bunch of HCII Ph.D. students and I discussed many ideas for mood-sharing projects. We didn't make anything, but these discussions seeded my interest in tools for sharing moods. Several months later, I stumbled upon the MIT Media Lab's web site and I really liked the colors and graphics of the web site. I thought what if you record moods using strips of colors?


MoodJam has a form for users to post their moods. Users can visualize their moods by selecting several colors from a color palette. Users can associate these colors with words that describe their moods. People can also add a note to describe in more detail how they are feeling.

Users' moods are visualized in different ways.

Users' moods are visualized as stripes of color.

Users can see their moods organized by date.

Users can also see how often they use colors in a given month.


In early 2007, Google promoted their Google Gadgets API by running a contest. I created a Google Gadget called My MoodJam. My MoodJam received two Google Gadget Awards: (1) the Prettiest gadget and (2) the Gadget most likely to get you a date.

The My MoodJam Google Gadget showing a user's most recent moods.

In 2008, the Department of Computer Science of Carnegie Mellon University established an annual Smiley Award for innovation in technology-assisted person-to-person communication. I entered MoodJam for the inaugural competition and it received a Smiley Award Honorable Mention.